A compassionate therapist here to guide you.

The mission of Affirming Autism Counseling, LLC, is to challenge stereotypes, educate the community, and create a more inclusive world for autistic people. I believe every individual, regardless of their neurological differences deserves respect and the opportunity to thrive, whatever that might look like for them. My passion is to foster positive autistic identity by creating an environment of acceptance, understanding, and empowerment for both parents and their autistic child/adult.
Co-morbidities between autism and mental health are prevalent in the autistic community. The most common mental health issues autists experience includes anxiety disorders, ADHD, OCD, depression, PTSD, and eating disorders. Parents are not immune to experiencing mental health issues of their own. These can include increased stress, anxiety, and depression. I strive to provide parent carers with the support, education, and skills they need to help their autistic loved one reach their fullest potential, while protecting the mental health of all parties.
Having seen firsthand the very real challenges autists and their families face allows me to have an empathic understanding of the unique needs of this community. Depending on the client, a variety of trauma informed, evidence-based practices will be used which may include cognitive behavioral and/or dialectical behavioral therapy with a focus on education, acceptance, strengths, special interests, positive self-identity, self-advocacy, and building supports. All therapy is conducted online and will take into consideration the ability to accommodate sensory and communication needs prior to scheduling. I offer online therapy as it allows an individual to remain in the comforts of their home, minimizing dysregulation that can occur from being in an unfamiliar environment, and allows for access to support and regulation tools as needed.